Cat Food Reviews & Comparisons From The Cat Food Insider


A Case Of The Itches Can Be A Cat Food Allergy

A Case Of The Itches Can Be A Cat Food Allergy

Cats are meticulous creatures. They preen and groom and do their best to keep their coats shiny and clean. They never miss a chance to clean up and take a bath, wherever they may be sitting. A lick here and a nibble there and your cat feels fresh and ready to nap. Read More

Things Cat Owners Need To Know About Commercial Cat Food

Things Cat Owners Need To Know About Commercial Cat Food

Between the advancement of nutritional science and a series of recent pet food recalls, cat owners are becoming more curious about commercial cat food. They want to know how it’s made and what ingredients are being used. They also want to know if commercial cat food is the best option for their cats or if there are other options to explore. Cat owners are right to be curious of commercial cat food, because there are some bad cat food manufacturers out there. So we have put together a guide of everything cat owners need to know about commercial cat food so you can make smart decision about your cat’s diet. Read More

Best Food To Feed Cats With Urinary Tract Problems

Best Food To Feed Cats With Urinary Tract Problems

Cats are very susceptible to urinary tract problems. Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is one of the most common illnesses among cats and most cats will have urinary tract health issues at some point in their lives. FLUTD caused by a range of factors and affects both female and male cats. Luckily FLUTD is relatively preventable with a stress-free environment and a good diet. Read More

Best Food To Feed Cats With Allergies

Best Food To Feed Cats With Allergies

Food allergies can be a serious problem for our cats. They can lead to some pretty unpleasant symptoms and if left untreated, can lead to serious illness. So it is important to understand how food allergies can affect our cats and what to look for in a food to prevent an allergic reaction in your cat. Here is a rundown of information you need to know about food allergies and some recommendations for the best cat food for allergies. Read More

Best Food To Feed Senior Cats

Best Food To Feed Senior Cats

If your cat is getting a little long in the tooth, it might be time to switch them to a senior cat food. A good quality cat food for senior cats will address the specific nutritional needs of our older companion animals. These foods can help your cat live a happier, healthier life through their golden years. If you are thinking it might be time to switch your cat to a senior cat food, we have some great recommendations for you. Read More

Best Food To Feed Overweight Cats

Best Food To Feed Overweight Cats

Maybe you’ve adopted a new cat who’s been eating a little too much or maybe you’ve just been little generous with the treats and now your buddy is a little overweight. Whatever the reason for your cat’s weight gain, there’s something you can do about it. If you transition your cat to a new food and encourage exercise and playtime, you can get your overweight cat back to their healthy physique. Here are some things you can do to help make sure your cat has a healthy weight and some recommendations for the best cat food for overweight cats. Read More

Best Food To Feed Kittens

Best Food To Feed Kittens

Is there anything sweeter than a kitten? These playful balls of fur are a wonderful addition to any family. Whether you’ve adopted a new family member or your cat is a mommy cat, it’s important to give these little guys a great start to life. That start begins with feeding them the best kitten food available. A great kitten food will provide your kitten all the nutrition they need to help them grow into strong and healthy cats. Here is our guide to finding the best kitten food for your little one and how to introduce them to kitten food. Read More

How To Tell The Difference Between A Good And Bad Cat Food

How To Tell The Difference Between A Good And Bad Cat Food

There are so many varieties of cat foods on the market, it can be overwhelming to decide what is the best food for cats. Luckily there are some basic things you can do to determine whether a cat food is good or bad. You just need to be armed with the right information. Here at Cat Food Insider we want to make sure everyone is picking the best food for their cats, so we have put together a guide so when you are shopping for cat food you can tell the difference between a good and a bad cat food. Read More