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Cat Nutrition Tips: Creative Ways To Exercise Your Cat

Cat Nutrition Tips: Creative Ways To Exercise Your Cat

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Obesity is on the rise in our feline friends. True, big cats are cuddly and cute, but if you want a big cat, buy a Maine Coon. Too many extra pounds on your domestic short hair (or any breed for that matter) can spell disaster.

A chubby cat is an unhealthy cat and his weight gain can lead to more trouble down the road.

Trouble With Obesity

Extra weight means extra work for your kitty cat’s organs and his risk of acquiring a disease is increased. If your cat is obese, or even overweight, you’ll want to find a way to get him slimmed down before it causes a health problem such as:

  • Diabetes. Overweight and obese cats are 2 to 4 times more likely to suffer from diabetes due to higher blood glucose levels.

  • Liver disease. Fat is stored in the liver, so when a cat gains too much weight, the fat builds up. This can cause decreased liver function and can be life-threatening.

  • Arthritis or Lameness. Heavy cats are 3-5 times more likely to suffer from arthritis or lameness in a limb. Sources suggest this might be a result of the extra weight placed on the joints, especially when jumping to the ground from a high place.

  • Skin problems (dry, flakes, acne). Obese cats have difficulty cleaning themselves properly and this might contribute to skin conditions.

  • Increased risk for surgery. Overweight cats take longer to come out of anesthesia because anesthetics are taken up by fat. The anesthesia must be broken down by the liver, again putting more stress on the organ. Plus, extra fat can get in the way during a surgical procedure.

  • Decreased quality of life. Overweight cats have a more difficult time grooming and even moving. They might be irritable due to pain and discomfort.

With so many issues that can arise from letting your cat put on too much weight, you might be wondering how you can avoid the weight gain and keep your kitty healthy and trim.

Check Up!

There are certain illness and conditions that can cause your cat to gain weight, so if you have concerns about her size, be sure that your vet gives your cat a complete checkup. Your vet can rule out any illnesses or disease that can be the cause of kitty’s weight gain and give you the green-light to begin a diet and exercise plan that will help you get your cat back to her fighting weight.

Let’s Play!

Did you know that your cat should have at least 10 minutes of play every day? Some cats spend more time playing and chasing toys, but some cats don’t get much more exercise than walking back and forth to their food bowl. The good news is, just like with people, short bursts through the day can be very beneficial. Try a few minutes in the morning before you head to work, a few minutes at midday (if you are around) and twice at night. Playing with kitty before bedtime is a great way to get his energy out before you settle down for bed.

Creative Ways To Exercise Your Cat

Cats are very active at night, so if you try to engage him in play in the evening, you might have a better chance than at lunchtime. Cats are hunters at heart and they love to chase after moving objects; this is why balls are so popular with your feline! Some popular ways to lead your cat on the chase include:

  • Electronic mice that move and squeak
  • Balls that light up and flash during motion
  • Catnip scented crinkly balls
  • Ping Pong balls

If you want to get in on the action with your kitty, creative ways to exercise your cat include using laser pointer or fishing pole type of toy. This can get them running back and forth for several minutes at a time. They love the thrill of the chase and nothing is more satisfying for your cat than going after something with feathers or fur that moves.

Other Ways To Burn the Calories

You can also let your cat hunt for treats. Take a few pieces of his daily food allotment and try hiding it in different places through the house so they can hunt and get a reward.

Cats are great climbers, so consider investing in a manmade cat tree that goes from the floor to the ceiling. We guarantee he’ll be running up and down it in no time.

Nothing says love like a plain paper bag. Leave one open in the living room and watch your cat attack and play with vigor.

Your cat can do crunches; seriously! When she lies on her back and exposes her tummy, give her a tickle with a wand or toy and she’ll work her abs.

Cat Nutrition Tips

Now that you have a few creative ways to exercise your cat, remember that her food intake is just as important as her calorie burning. Some cat nutrition tips include sticking with a feeding schedule that portions her food throughout the day instead of letting her free-feed. Limit the extra treats she gets, or use her kitty food as a treat. And look for cat foods that are high in protein and fiber that will satisfy her without artificial fillers, sugars, flour, or fillers. Some good weight control formulas out there include:

Give your cat the best opportunity for a long life by keeping him at a healthy weight. Engage in play with your cat a few times a day and you’ll not only keep his weight in check, you’ll give him what he craves the most: you.