Cat Food Reviews & Comparisons From The Cat Food Insider

Raw Food Diets For Cats

Raw Food Diets For Cats

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As pet parents are becoming more aware of some of the dangerous ingredients found in commercial cat food, they are looking for healthier options to feed their beloved companion animals. One of the more popular options is a raw food diet for cats. Raw foods diets are a great way to ensure you know exactly what is in your cat’s food. However, though they are a great alternative to consider, there are some risks associated with raw foods diets. So it’s important to understand the dangers before switching your cat to a raw diet.

What Is Raw Cat Food?

Raw cat food is designed to mimic what a cat would eat in the wild. Cats are obligate carnivores so they must eat meat in order to survive. Therefore raw cat food is usually made with a lot of raw meats including livestock meats, organ meats, game meats, and fish. Some owners choose to mix in vegetables, fruits, dairy, and grains depending on the nutritional needs of the cat.

What Are The Benefits Of A Raw Foods Diet For Cats?

There are several benefits to a raw foods diet for cat. The primary benefit is that owners know what is in their cat’s food. Commercially manufactured cat food often contains ingredients that are not healthy for cats like chemical preservatives, artificial flavors and colors, and fillers. Commercial cat foods may also contain ingredients that trigger allergies or food intolerances. So feeding them a raw foods diet ensures that the food is healthy and trustworthy. Another benefit is that cooking meat causes the meat to lose its nutritional value, so keeping the meat raw guarantees better nutrition for your cat. Owners who have switched their cat to a raw foods diet have noticed some amazing benefits including:

  • Improved digestion and reduction of food intolerances
  • Reduction of allergies
  • Better urinary tract health
  • Increased energy levels
  • Weight loss
  • Shinier coat and less hairballs
  • Improved oral health and better breath

What Are The Downsides Of A Raw Foods Diet For Cats?

Raw foods diets for cats have many benefits, however they also come with some downsides. The first is raw meat increases the chance of exposing you and your cat to foodborne illness, so you have to be extra careful during preparation. Also if you are not feeding a raw foods diet under veterinarian supervision, then you may accidentally cause your cat to develop a nutritional deficiency. Finally raw foods diets are very expensive and time consuming, so they may not be a real option for most cat owners.

How To Switch Your Cat To A Raw Food Diet

Explore Some Raw Alternatives

There are some products offered by cat food manufacturers that can help cat owners who want to try a raw foods diet but are concerned about the risks. These options are also a great way to help transition your cat from a commercial food diet to a raw foods diet. There are three kinds of commercially available raw foods options. The first is manufactured raw foods. Manufactured raw foods are a raw foods diet made by a cat food manufacturer that contains all the necessary nutrients your cat needs but is formulated to be biologically appropriate. These are an affordable and easy way to feed your cat a raw foods diet. Some great manufactured raw foods options are:

The second option is to go with fresh food. Fresh food is a raw food that is kept in either the refrigerator or freezer to preserve the natural ingredients. Fresh food is available online, at pet specialty stores, and even some local markets have begun to carry them. These are a really great option for pet parents wanting to switch their cats to a raw foods diet but do not have the time to make every meal. Some great fresh food options are:

Another great raw foods option is a supplemental mix in. These mixes are formulated by veterinary nutritionists and contain all the vital nutrients your cat needs to live a healthy, happy life. You simply add a protein of choice and mix. These are great if you want to take the time to make your cat’s food but are worried you won’t provide them the correct nutrition. Some great raw foods mixes are:

Making Raw Food At Home

If these options do not work for you or your cat and you would rather try to make raw cat food at home, you should first talk to a veterinary nutritionist. They will help you figure out what recipes are best for meeting the specific needs of your cat. There are also some really great books and online resources you can check out for more information and different recipes, so you can do some extra research. Just make sure that whatever you feed your cat is safe for both you and them.

Many cat owners have found amazing health benefits from switching their cats to a raw foods diet. However, raw food diets have some risks so you should talk to your veterinarian before making the switch. There are also some great commercial options to investigate to make this option easier for you and safer for your cat. So check out some of these options and talk to your veterinarian because a raw foods diet may be perfect for your cat.